
PHP position (Experience only)

*Job requirements:

-English communication skills

-Experience in web development.

-Good experience and understanding of JavaScript with JQuery, Ajax andframeworks like Angular 2.0 / React, NodeJS, or similar technologies.

-Experience in responsive layouts using frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation.

-Powerful front-end skills using HTML5, CSS2 / 3/4 with LESS or SASSpreprocessors.

-Experience with cross browser compatibility requirements.

-Knowledge / experience in server-side programming in PHP, Python, Web services,JSON is a plus

-Have an organizational skills.

* Benefits:
- Professional working environment, modern, promotion opportunities andlong-term stability
- Advanced Trained professional regularly
- To benefit from the social insurance, unemployment insurance, healthinsurance as prescribed by the State
- Support for lunch (55,000 vnd/meal), breakfast (35,000 vnd/meal) and parkingfee
- Enjoy attractive depending on capacity (13 months' salary according toability)

-Birthday allowance: 1,000,0000 VND

- Childsupport: 50 USD / month.

- Subsidyto project 150 $ / month

* Vacancy Number: 01
- Place of work in north area - Wage agreement
* Candidates interested send your CV (inEnglish only accept CV) according to the following information:
- Contact person: Ms. Thao - HR Department
- Email: thaont@ksystem.vn
- TEL: 024 36374068
- Address: 6th Floor, CT1 C14 Bac Ha Building, To Huu Street, Hanoi

Designed by @Vnitc  , Allright reserved

K.SYSTEM. JSC. Representative: Mr Kim Jin Hwan.

> Head Office : 6th Floor, CT1 C14 Bac Ha Building, To Huu, Ha Noi
> HCM Representative Office: 3rd floor, No 65-67, B4 street, An Loi Dong ward, Thu Duc City, HCMC
> Da Nang representative office: 3rd floor, Diamond Time Complex, 35 Thai Phien, Phuoc Ninh, Hai Chau, Da Nang
Business registration/Tax Code: 0103089225 issued on 08/12/2008 on Hanoi Authority for Planning and investment.

Tel : (024) 36374068 | (024) 35624727      Fax : (024) 36374067 Email:support@ksystem.vn